Create Field

Create field

All inputs should be included in createField, which receives key-value pairs, with the key being the component name and the value being the React element.

Prepare components

You can skip this section if you have already input components.

Imagine, these are some of the input components in your projects

import React from "react";
export interface TextInputProps
  extends React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<"input"> {}
const TextInput = React.forwardRef<React.ElementRef<"input">, TextInputProps>(
  (props, ref) => {
    return <input {...props} ref={ref} type="text" />;
export default TextInput;
import React from "react";
export interface NumberInputProps
  extends React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<"input"> {}
const NumberInput = React.forwardRef<
>((props, ref) => {
  return <input {...props} ref={ref} type="number" />;
export default NumberInput;
import React from "react";
export interface SelectInputProps
  extends React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<"select"> {
  options: { label: string; value: any }[];
const SelectInput = React.forwardRef<
>(({ options = [], ...props }, ref) => {
  return (
    <select {...props} ref={ref}>
      {, index) => (
        <option key={index} value={option.value}>
export default SelectInput;

Make field

Now, this is the main section to reuse your form input components in all your projects without re-importing those components and defining register(...) repeatedly.

To define it easily, just call createField and add them into createField with key-value pairs. createField will automatically infer types when you use the <Field /> in other places

import React from "react";
import { createField } from "hookform-field";
import TextInput from "@/components/ui/input";
import NumberInput from "@/components/ui/number";
import Select from "@/components/ui/select";
const Field = createField({
  text: TextInput,
  number: NumberInput,
  select: Select,
export default Field;

Additionally, you can still apply next/dynamic or React.lazy to get chunk files and easily apply fallback for Suspense.

import React from "react";
import { createField } from "hookform-field";
const TextInput = React.lazy(() => import("@/components/ui/input"));
const NumberInput = React.lazy(() => import("@/components/ui/number"));
const Select = React.lazy(() => import("@/components/ui/select"));
// For next.js
// const TextInput = dynamic(() => import("@/components/ui/input"), {
//   ssr: true,
//   loading: () => <div>Loading</div>,
// });
// const NumberInput = dynamic(() => import("@/components/ui/number"), {
//   ssr: true,
//   loading: () => <div>Loading</div>,
// });
// const Select = dynamic(() => import("@/components/ui/select"), {
//   ssr: true,
//   loading: () => <div>Loading</div>,
// });
const Field = createField({
  text: TextInput,
  number: NumberInput,
  select: Select,
export default Field;

Finally, just use them like this, and you will get suggested props based on the component you select.

import React from "react";
import { Form } from "hookform-field";
import Field from "@/components/form/field";
export interface CreateUserPageProps {}
const CreateUserPage = (props: CreateUserPageProps) => {
  return (
    <Form className="dark:bg-neutral-900 p-5 rounded-lg mt-6">
        label="First name"
        component="text" // "text" | "number" | "select" type created
        placeholder="Enter first name"
        label="last name"
        component="text" // "text" | "number" | "select" type created
        placeholder="Enter last name"
        component="select" // "text" | "number" | "select" type created
          // type-safe, as TypeScript will require you to render the options prop because it is required
          { label: "Option 1", value: "option-1" },
          { label: "Option 2", value: "option-2" },
        placeholder="Select age"
export default CreateUserPage;


You can add class names for custom element styling as follows:

const Field = createField(
    classNames: {
      root: "flex flex-col",
      input: "h-10 px-4 rounded-md",
      message: "text-sm",
      description: "text-sm",
      label: "text-sm leading-normal mb-1",

Component Type

You can add class names for custom element styling as follows:

const Field = createField(
    components: {
      description: "small",
      label: "label",
      message: "small",
      root: "div"


Tada, perfectly. You will get result like this.
